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5th Grade Project Citizen Grant Winners!

students wearing Love Wins t-shirts presenting their project

We are thrilled to congratul8 two of last year’s 5th grade Project Citizen groups who focused their work on LGBTQ issues:  Audrey, Malaya, Evie, Eddie and Jonathan in Kate Naaman‘s class, and Frances, Scarlett, Sam B., Mia, Ludo, Mae and Jasmine in Angie Nelson‘s class.  A subset of those groups — basically, completely on their own! — wrote a grant application to support a Genders & Sexualities Alliance (GSA) after-school group at PS 8/MS 8.  We just learned that they won!  Our guidance counselors, Cara Spitzer and Lauren Coe, will be talking the lead on starting the GSA at MS 8.  Ms. Angie and a group of 5th graders may become involved later in the year.  Go student activism!

students presenting their project