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Health & Wellness

Students enjoy a 3-year course of study in Health & Wellness, following the HealthSmart curriculum. Sixth graders study digital literacy, social/emotional wellness, and violence and injury prevention. Seventh graders study nutrition and drug and alcohol use. Eighth graders focus on issues related to puberty and sexuality.

Health class meets 1-2 times a week each year and is taught by science teachers. As part of their course of study, 7th and 8th grade students enjoy multiple-week Human Development & Sexuality residencies with veteran health educator Ekem Merchant-Bleiberg.

PS 8/MS 8 — Bridges/MS 915’s predecessor school — was honored to be officially recognized as the Kathleen Grimm School Wellness Council of the Year for 2018 by the Office of School Wellness, in recognition of the hard work our School Wellness Council has done since its founding in 2015, and especially our work growing health education programming in our middle school grades during the 2017-18 school year.