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MS8 at the Museum of Natural History!

Last Saturday 6 of our students represented PS8’s middle school at the Urban Advantage Science Expo in the American Museum of Natural History. 6th and 7th graders Desmond, Khailer, Jackson, Colm, Christian and Isaiah were honored to present their projects. About 25 students and their families also attended the event to support our students and share in the amazing science experience. Our presenters and their families were both excited and proud of their accomplishments.
A wonderful parent who accompanied us on Saturday sent this message, “Thank you, Ms. Marcellin, for all the work that went into yesterday’s event. I don’t think Desmond will ever forget the experience of presenting at the Museum of Natural History. What an honor! And what a wonderful way of learning how important it is to put your best into everything you do.”
I am so proud of my students — they keep reaching higher and higher, no matter how high the bar is raised.
This would not have been possible without the assistance of Leanne who ordered the bus, Janice who managed the bus, Kellie who supported her on the bus, Nancy who waited in the lines early to secure us a great spot in the museum, and all of you colleagues that continue to support our students and make them want to come to MS8 everyday.
This year our middle school students had three great opportunities at various science expositions to showcase their scientific learning in experimental design. Our science department would like to say thank you for being supportive throughout our preparations for all these events.
By Nicole Marcellin, Science Teacher
Photo credits to Nicole Marcellin and Margaret Murray