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What it's Really Like to be a Student Presenter at the Urban Advantage Expo!

UA Expo at the AMNH under the blue whale

Recently I attended the Urban Advantage science expo and overall think it is a fun experience for all students, regardless of your grade. As soon as you get there your teachers are waiting for you and ready for the fair. You are required to very quickly fill out a few forms that take around 3-5 min. for all students to be done. Then you enter the building and hop on a quick line so you can have your board have its picture taken professionally. A few things you should note are: they give you free lunch, we get to choose a movie to see, parents aren’t allowed to enter the fair until 1:00 p.m., and you are allowed to go to the gift shop. The free lunch consists of choices like turkey sandwich, peanut butter and jelly sandwich, salad, American cheese, and more; with each choice, you get chips (the type of chips depending on the meal you want), an apple, a cookie, and a juice box. After you are settled in your designated spot you have time to eat your lunch. You are then asked to vote on a movie option to go to (depending what movie is voted on the waiting time changes) the movie I saw was called “Amazon Adventure”, I found this movie very interesting, it was about how bugs and animals came to mimic other bugs and animals. After we attended the movie we went to the gift shop and took a look, you also buy things if you had any money with you. By now it was almost 1 o’clock and professional photographers went around taking pictures of students with boards. You also have to option to complete a bingo sheet to find out about other students and their projects for a reward. Parents start to enter the building and a few short speeches are given. After this, you are free to leave if you like or stay until it closes at 3:00 p.m.

By Miyo Y.
Class 603